Clean and Safe Services

The Career Path DC Clean and Safe Team serves as a resource within the District of Columbia by creating employment opportunities for the residents and creating a clean and safe environment within the communities we serve. 

We create employment opportunities for the City’s most needy residents, selecting participants from each of the eight Wards within the City. We provide these individuals with intensive life skills and job readiness training, focusing on obtaining and maintaining employment, acceptable workplace behaviors, and overcoming barriers. The participants also receive work experience training, learning the methods of beautification within living, working, and business environments. Once employed by CPDC, our Crew Members receive ongoing supportive services to assist them with achieving the ultimate goal of self-sufficiency.

The CPDC Crew Members work in collaboration with City agencies, community based organizations (CBOs), businesses, residents, and local nonprofit organizations, in an effort to successfully complete projects that will enhance the beauty of the District of Columbia! 


Creating Financially Stable, Strong Communities